Please feel free to download copies of these articles which have appeared in the trade press regarding our WaveEtch and Aeris Precision technologies. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any assistance in providing you with a solution to your etching or chemical delivery and metering problems.
Semiconductor Packaging News. VIEWPOINT 2016: Ricardo Fuentes, CEO/President, MATECH. Feb. 9, 2016. OK, since everybody seems to be piling it on Apple lately, I do not feel too bad to add to the fray. But, in a more serious vein, what's going on with Apple is one of those lessons that we all hear about, but of which we always seem to have a more historical perspective. It is interesting to see it happen in real time--for as long as it is not happening to us. The lesson that I am talking about is about innovation. Read more...