Here we try to anticipate or share questions that our users and potential customer may have regarding our systems. If you do not find the answer you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. We will be happy to talk to you about your application and answer all your questions.
Yes. Any container from 40 lbs to 400 lbs weight can be placed in the drum cabinet if necessary. We do offer carboy specific cabinets that are much more compact and can be stacked to save on the system's footprint. This is important, not only for ergonomics but in some environments (i.e. cleanroom), floor space is expensive and proper system configuration is important. We offer adjustable platforms for those instances where different containers may be placed in a drum cabinet. Please talk to a MATECH engineer for more details.
Any Aeris cabinet can have the the exhaust port located either in the back or on the top. In some particular instances, the ports can also be located on the side. The exhaust ports are 6" in diameter.